
NAPNAP 2008 - Day Two

Today, we got started at the awards breakfast where Melnic Consulting Group was recognized as sponsors of the 2008 NAPNAP conference.

While there, I spoke with Kimberly about the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner jobs and salaries in New Mexico. I hope to put together a chart outlining approximate salaries offered in different regions across the United States, along with comparisons of specific areas when requested.

After the breakfast, Carolyn Jaramillo de Montoya led an educational and inspiring business meeting. I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Renee McCloud, Karin Reuter-Rice, and Beth Bolick . They are only a handful of fun and amazing ladies who provide leadership for this community that has make a measurable contribution for the advocacy of pediatric health and quality of care nationally and globally.

I am looking forward to the company of Lori, Linda, and Jennifer at the Opryland Cascades Seafood Restaurant to dine tonight to wrap up the day. This experience has been more than I ever imagined it would be.

My favorite quote of the day is hearing over and over again, "Oh! *You're* Melnic!"

See you tomorrow,


Jill Gilliland

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