
We’ve Moved! Come visit our blog on Melnic.com

We just launched a new website at Melnic.com, and this blog has moved. That’s where you’ll find our fresh content and tools to help APRNs and PAs grow professionally.
Plus, more great resources for job seekers…
·        Try Our Job Search: Access hundreds of current job listings for Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Clinical Nurse Specialists. Search by location, or position, and discover great opportunities at some of the best hospitals and clinics in the nation.
·        Browse the Learning Center: We’ve gathered articles and resources to help Advanced Practice Practitioners find the right job, advance in their careers, and gain greater job satisfaction.
·        Get the Scoop on Salaries: Each year, Melnic gathers salary data from more than 750 working healthcare professionals across the nation. We share these results in our salary guides, so you can compare earnings in your location and area of expertise.
And, this is just the beginning. In the coming months, we’ll be adding sections to help our clients recruit and retain top talent. We hope you’ll check it out and visit often for updates.

Contact us for free job search assistance, career coaching, and resume reviews!

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